Interviews and Articles:
Interview on Diabetic Data Art for Diabreadic Podcast. 11 May 2022. Hosted by Stephen Horrocks.
Interview and Sound Art Broadcast on Radio Tsonami. 21 April 2022. Hosted by Eric Mattson and Martin Rodriguez.
Interview on PirateBlocRadio. 4 Feb 2021. Hosted by Malte Leander.
Interview for Concordia University Magazine article on the 4th Space. 2019. Toula Drimonis. p.23-25.
Exploring the landscape with Samuel Thulin’s “situated composition”. Visual Art News. 2016. Becka Viau.
‘Sonic art’ project uses letters sent home from local soldiers. Lancashire Post. 2016. The Newsroom.
Le Chant des pistes 1. Espace. 2016. Claire Moeder.
Concerts de Proximité. Le Devoir. 2014, Mari-Ève Charron.
Book-Length Publications of Exhibitions/Events:
Le Chant des pistes/Songlines. AdMare. 2018. Daigneault, Caroline Loncol, et Laurène Janowsky. (Eds.)
Mobile Utopia: Art and Experiments. 2017. Southern, J., Rose, E. & O’Keeffe, L. (Eds.)
Homing. In Certain Places: Preston, UK. 2016. Southern, J. & Thulin, S. (Eds.)